Beauty Real or Rumor…
You should not wear nail polish every day; you need to let your nails breathe.
Real or Rumour
This is 100% true! We all love nail polish because it glamorizes your nails but did you know it also has some risky aspects? Have you ever noticed your nails have a yellowish tinge after applying polish? This is the unfortunate result of nail polish’s harmful chemical ingredients. Nails are an extension of your skin and whatever you put on your nails travels into your body through your skin. Nail polish does have its dangerous affects so it is a very good idea to give your nails time to get air in between manicures. If you like wearing nail polish often wearing a base coat and using water based nail polishes are recommended. Remember nail polish is not the only way to make your hands look fabulous try buffing and filing your nails as well as shaping your cuticles for a healthy mani!
Straightening your hair, every day will make you bald.
Real or Rumour
Straightening your hair, everyday isn’t the healthiest thing you can do for your hair but it certainly will not make you bald! While you may find your hair becoming brittle and dry this is only because the heat is drying out your hairs nutrients to avoid this from happening try turning down the temperature on your straightening iron. Some girls have however experiences slight hair loss and thinning due to using a straightening iron and professionals suggest not to use a straightening iron all the time.
There are natural ways to plump your lips.
Real or Rumour
Have you ever dreamt of bee-stung lips but don’t have the guts for a surgical procedure or plumping serum? Here is your chance to get the lips of your dreams all by simply whistling! It is true, whistling for 5-10 minuets a day helps circulate the blood flow in your lips making them fuller. Pick out your favourite tune and whistle your way to plump lips.
Wearing mascara will make all of your eyelashes fall out immediately.
Real or Rumour
Mascara…long, thick, jet-black lashes with just one wave of that magical mascara wand but have you ever heard that wearing mascara will actually make your lashes fall out? The good news is that this is a tall tale; the bad news is that there is a catch! By not properly removing mascara at the end of the day, your once beautiful lashes will become fragile and frail and eventually break off. Don’t panic it is avoidable, just gently remove your eye makeup before bed using makeup a mild remover, don’t tug at your lashes and pat them dry when done!
Eating certain foods will change your eye colour.
Real or Rumour
This is definite rumour. The eye colour you are born with is the eye colour you are stuck with unless you want to undergo a surgical procedure or wear colour contacts. However depending on the lightening and the clothes you wear your eys can appear different colours. For example if you stand in a room with very bright lighting the warm tones in your eyes will be accentuated and girls with blue eyes will notice their eyes look aqua. As for clothing, warm colours will emphasize brown tones and cool colours will emphasize icy tones, blacks and whites will make your natural eye colour pop!